LCYM is an official youth movement of church that works in three rites of Keala under K.C.B.C (Kerala Catholic Bishop’s Council).


A Youth movement for church was the main topic for discussion and though in the II vatican council that took place in 1065. The socio political cirusmstances prevailing in that period were the reason behind this. Alternating government did nothing for the church, society and the poue catholic people. Youth, the backbone of church, alone can raise voice for them and fight for justice and equality. It was on this basis that his holiness pope Paul VI called for the formation of a youth movement for church, at the closing Gremony of II Vatican council. As an answer to his call CBCI formed KCBC Youth commission in the next year. CBCI deivided all the dioces in India into 12 regions. Kerala was one among them. Today 31 dioces work in the region of Kerala alone.


In that period, several social, church activities were carried out by youth throughout Kerala. In relation with the formation of youty commission, the youth movement was called differently in different diocs, which resulted in confusions regarding its working in many parishes. After the formation of youth commission, camps were organized throughput Kerala aimiy at the integral was conducted under the anspices of KCBC at Thrissure, the cultural capital of Kerala in 1976, with an intention to nurture the latent artistic instincts in the catholic youth. Church fathers in Kerala who realised the talents of our own young people were so glad and they wholeheartedly congradulated all the participateson their great attempt. Afterwards a rally and a public gathering were held in which KCYM was declared as the only Youth Movement of Church.


In 1977 a constitutent committee was formed to draft a code of law for KCYM and it was officially inaugurated on the basis of much serious discussions and directions at the first senate conference that held from 28th to 31st December of 1978 at K.E College Mannanam. Mr.Antony M.Ambalt gaif elected as the founder prisedent of KCYM along with other executives. KCYM the official youth movement of Kerala church that works under KCBC is a Keralachapter of Indian Catholic Youth Movement. (ICYM), approved by Catholic Bishops Council of India (CBCI). Further it is under International movement of Catholic Agricultural Rural Youth that works under pontifical council for larty in vatican.


St. Thomas More (1477-1535)


The Flag of KCYM conists of Three colours such as red at the top white in the middle and yellow at the bottom, with the emblem of KCYM inscribed in red colour at the centre of the white band. The ratio of its width to length is 2:3.